As Kyocera Propel Network go into the next phase of innovative service offering, we have embarked on using Drones to provide leading edge services. The application of using drones in different field are listed below:
We can put up a drone in place of a temporary tower at 400 ft in 40 seconds from the space of a parking spot and fly for weeks while damaged infrastructure is rebuilt. Our proprietary tether gives our drones as much available bandwidth and range as the original cell tower.
These configurations enable the simultaneous operation of 4 to 5 sensors ranging from EO, thermal, UV, IR, LiDAR, RADAR, laser measurement, laser ranging, ultra-wideband RF scanning, and more – all time and location stamped by GPS and altimeter. We eliminate the need for onboard storage by sending all that data down the tether for real or post-process analysis. Our packages are fully compatible with a wide array of cloud storage and analytic products as well as 3-D modeling that make inspection faster, more productive, and less expensive. Cell towers, high-voltage power lines, pipeline, and oil rig inspection all stand to benefit here from significant productivity gains and liability reduction.

Many older cities prohibit the installation of communications network infrastructure on historic buildings, creating gaps in coverage inside densely populated areas. So, Fire and Law Enforcement units are often required to respond to dangerous situations without radio communications. Since some number of service vehicles host in-vehicle repeaters serving as mobile network hubs, we offer the capability to tether that repeater to a drone serving as a “mobile communications tower†that can get an antenna above the rooftops. This then reconnects units on scene with headquarters and surrounding units. This capability can also serve to augment emergency responders operating in rural areas beyond communications coverage.
Military convoys in harm’s way often depend on aircraft with flight time, extremely expensive satellite bandwidth, or low-bandwidth HF radios to provide convoy communications on the move. We can replace those expensive, limited solutions in many cases with a tethered drone flying above a moving vehicle providing a 20+ mile broadband communications umbrella with unlimited flight time. Further, we can add capabilities to that system enabling roadside bomb (IED) and adversary detection including ground-penetrating RADAR, battlefield RADAR, signals intercept/direction-finding/geolocation, laser range-finding/designation, optical/thermal sensors, Electronic Warfare capabilities, and more.